Wednesday 13th November
Please note not all seminars will be running over the two days
Leading a trauma-informed school
Facilitator – Marie Delaney
This seminar will offer a framework for becoming a Trauma Responsive School, looking at challenges it presents for school leaders and benefits it can bring to the school community. We will explore ways to embed a trauma responsive approach at all levels of a school, moving from reaction to reflection.
Unleashing the capacity of your leadership & management team
Facilitator – Oide Professional Learning Leaders
This seminar will seek to explore how you can harness the expertise and the capacity of those involved in the leadership and management of the school with particular emphasis on the leadership of teaching & learning.
Leading the implementation of the revised maths curriculum
Facilitators – Oide Professional Learning Leaders
This seminar will focus on leading the implementation of the revised maths curriculum in your school, with specific reference to whole school planning, individual teacher planning and the implications for multi-class settings
Leading the team, developing collegiality and promoting professional dialogue about teaching and learning
Facilitator – Joe O’Connell
This workshop will consider how to scaffold professional dialogue in relation to teaching and learning through the development of a collegial team spirit. It will examine the centrality of a shared vision and mission, the development of the bonds of trust and promote the power of solution-focused thinking.
Restorative Practice - Enhancing a Relational School Culture
Facilitator – Michelle Stowe
This seminar will look at living the key tenets of the restorative philosophy as a vehicle to enhance a school culture where our values and actions match! Here we will explore the importance of relational thinking, relational practices and relational language within a school community. Participants will leave with some practical tools to bring to life on their return to school …and beyond.
Essential Law for You - Top Tips for the School Leader
Facilitator – David Ruddy
Given the increasing complexity and legislative demands on school management, knowledge of some aspects of law is essential. Your initial response to a scenario could be critical to the outcome. The seminar will address issues of current relevance to schools.
These seminars are only available on Wednesday, November 13th
How to use the PIEW model to manage the leadership of teaching & learning
Facilitator – Páiric Clerkin
PIEW provides a framework for positive engagement with the wider school community about the need to prioritise. The framework helps the school identify the priorities that will most effectively impact teaching and learning according to the needs of the children in the school, using the SSE process. This seminar will provide you with the opportunity to learn more about:
1. IPPN’s PIEW Capacity Analysis Framework.
2. the Transforming MeetingsTM approach, through participation in a PIEW Planning Meeting.
Seeing the Gifted learner: Why they matter
Facilitator – Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames
Comprising up to 10% of our population, identifying, understanding and supporting our exceptionally-able pupils, including the underachiever and twice-exceptional, a child with a gift and a disability, matters. An often neglected, 'at risk' cohort, facilitating their strengths and sensitivities can lift all boats for all learners and lead to more inclusive, happier schools.
Leading inclusion from the perspective of disadvantage / DEIS
Facilitator – Oide Professional Learning Leaders
This seminar will explore how to better lead an inclusive and socially just school community that seeks to deliver equality of opportunity for pupils in collaboration with all staff.
Leading Climate Action in your School
Facilitator – Mary Moore (Irish Schools Sustainability Network)
This session will begin by looking at what sustainability actually means. We will guide participants through activities that explore the links between our value-systems and how they influence our actions. We will examine the sustainability toolkit and consider how it can support ESD and climate action in your school.